Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Why racism is ridiculous

There is no excuse for racism in modern society. When the white people first saw black people I can understand them being treated slight differently because they are different, humans didn’t know any better at the time. What I can’t understand is why we harm our own species. We are all human, black or white. Where ever you come from, you should be made welcome.  
Black skin is purely an adaptation by humans to stop sunlight penetrating the skin. It is thought the change happened 1.5 million years ago to shield their newly hairless bodies from the sunlight. The human races ability to adapt is why we are around today. To single out black people because of a necessary change shows that the human race has a lot to learn.
We always refer to ourselves as the most intelligent species on the planet. But that depends how you define intelligence. Millions of ants work together using a simple communication system to build their colony. But so do humans in a way, the difference is ants haven’t discovered nuclear technology capable of destroying entire cities. I think humans aren’t intelligent enough to solve common problems, but too intelligent for their own good.  
We are still primitive and have much to learn, but what will it take to make us change our ways, another world war? Imagine what we could do if the money we spend on war was used to build a better life for all; a united earth is the goal. What will we sacrifice to get there?

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A day in the life #5

On my way home from college, Nan was late but I can't moan she does a lot for us. This morning I got in early and met the rest of my group for a chat before the lesson. In the corner was the most miserable cross eyed person I have ever seen. She wouldn't look out of place in a zoo. Or a kennel.

My thoughts #5

I watched life’s too short yesterday, it’s a fake documentary about Warwick Davis: a dwarf actor. After watching it, it made me wonder if dwarfs live longer. They are smaller so in theory there is less strain on their heart. People often think being short is a disability; in my opinion because they are short there is less to go wrong. I’ve never seen a dwarf in a wheelchair.

Monday, 12 December 2011

My thoughts #4

A lot of people that I know have kids now. Out of every species the human race are the worst parents. Dogs have got it right, if their puppies are misbehaving they give them a gentle whack and they know they shouldn't do it again. Humans are too smart for that. Instead of thinking "I shouldn't do that" they think of ways to avoid punishment. Although we consider ourselves a superior species we still have problems. Kids these days aren't worth it. My auntie and uncle have a cat and they couldn't be happier with him. Bet the cat doesn't threaten to call child line when you take it's toys away.

A day in the life #4

It's December, everyone is preparing for Christmas. When I wake up it's still dark, surely that suggests I should still be in bed. Just looked up and the moon is still out. Oh well, early Start early finish.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

My thoughts #3

They say cats always land on their feet. I saw a cat with three legs earlier, it seemed happy but I wondered if it would land perfectly on its feet. I haven't come up with a safe way of testing it yet.

My thoughts #2

I've started writing notes to help me remember things that have happened or thoughts that have crossed my mind during the day. My dad says I talk like karl Pillkington, maybe I do. I never thought it was funny until I saw the reaction he got when Ricky gervais and Steven merchant introduced him to the world. I guess I will continue to write my thoughts and see what I come up with.

A day in the life #3

Mums putting the Christmas tree up, that's how it all starts. The house will get decorated next. People pretend to be happy at christmas because they feel obliged to. I was thinking that if people could fake a smile and forget their problems at christmas why couldn't they do it for the rest of the year? Then I realised if people forgot their problems all year round nothing would get done. People remember their problems after Christmas, that's why we have January sales. People need cheering up because they are in twice as much shite as they were before. Problems are better solved than forgotten. If only the Tories had that mindset.

A day in the life #2

I was thinking about one of my assignments the other day I wrote a note at the time I was doing it, about a month ago: Nearly finished my assignment. The normalisation is what confused me. There are too many keys: primary keys, foreign keys and composite keys. After studying relational databases it made me wonder if it was worth having a digital database. If I had a database the only key I would need would be the one to the filing cabinet.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

My thoughts #1

Ever since humanity started communicating we have been making a big deal out of nothing. The Grand Canyon is a good example; it’s just a big hole. If I was an ant that walked through a crack in the pavement I wouldn’t think "Jesus I’ve got to tell the guys back at the colony about this". If I dig a hole in the garden I intend to fill it with something. If there’s a god what was he thinking when he dug a massive hole in the earth? What an abuse of power. Just another reason why religion is flawed.

Friday, 9 December 2011

A day in the life #1

I saw a group of chavs in Gillingham today. They always seem to be wearing the same thing. Track suits are simple and comfortable but are terrible at keeping you warm in the winter. It reminded me of the igloo, made me wonder if anyone has told the Eskimos that we have proper houses now. Humanity seems to be afraid of change even if it’s for the better.